Simon Says: Have “The Talk” with your parents
Are you a member of the sandwich generation who hasn’t had The Talk with your parents? A financial advisor recommends specific questions you need to get answers for–sooner rather than later.
Are you a member of the sandwich generation who hasn’t had The Talk with your parents? A financial advisor recommends specific questions you need to get answers for–sooner rather than later.
Categories: Best Practices FINANCES Lessons Learned Other
Tags: Aging Parents lincoln financial advisors Lincoln Financial Group Sandwich generation Saul Simon Simon Financial Group Simon Says The Talk
If you own a business with one or more partners or family members, and don’t yet have a buy-sell agreement and funded insurance policies in place, it makes sense to have “the talk” sooner rather than later before anything unexpected happens.
Categories: Crisis FINANCES Partnerships
Tags: business partnerships Gary Katz Lincoln Financial Advisers Saul Simon Simon Financial Group Simon Says The Talk