By Monique Craig, a guest contributor and marketing specialist at Oneflare
Entrepreneurship and stepping out on the aggressive market of merciless competition is never easy. Succeeding in this area is even harder, though rumour has it some have managed to take the bull by the horns. What is the key to success? There may not be one universal rule, but avoiding negative thinking – and speaking – definitely helps. If you aspire to be an entrepreneur, here’re three words to avoid:
1. Never
Never say “never”. As long as you’re aiming at outstanding success, this should be your live-by motto. Guess what – it already is the favourite saying of businessmen who have tasted what it is like to be on top. Since your life reflects your thoughts and your words shape your behaviour, letting go of a “never” could possibly lead to great changes to your current situation.
2. Can’t
The idea is simple: don’t assume you are incapable of doing something unless you actually give it a try and see the effect. Self-limiting yourself won’t guide you down the success path, nor will it set you on the right track. Leading entrepreneurs make it their point of honour to push away any negative thoughts which could stop them from taking action in pursuit of remarkable results.
3. Maybe
Hesitation is your worst enemy. Entrepreneurship is full of unknowns, and challenges are businessmen’s daily bread. That’s why it is crucial to stand firm and not let self-doubt undermine your confidence – unless you want to throw in the towel and say goodbye to the industry. Bottom line – the competition never sleeps.
Whether you’re struggling to make a name for yourself in the industry or just feel like it’s time you finally hit it big, leaving out these three words out of your vocabulary will do you good. Replacing them with their optimistic equivalents and setting your mind on victory would be even better. Now that you know the power of speech, use it to your advantage and prepare for success.
Categories: Best Practices Coaching Guest contributors