Top Entrepreneurial News of the Day

  • Tips For Small Business On Getting Media Attention – Resources – If you are trying to get your business in the news or some kind of attention here are the best ways to do it. And no it does not involve social media, just some good media relations skills.
  • Body Language: You Say More Than You Think | BusinessBlogs Hub: When you focus on yourself and how you react you become self-aware and see how your actions contribute to the overall end result. This is also true in how your body reacts when conversing with other people. This article goes into a few different body language positions and explains how to analyze them.
  • Banks Increase Small Business Lending: Looks like US banks are taking the hint to lend to small businesses and are finally doing it. The banks becoming more active in small business lending are Bank of America, Wells Fargo, Citigroup and JP Morgan Chase.
  • Are You Selling the Wrong Product?: When you are an entrepreneur, your business is to build your business, not to sell your product. Make sure you’re focusing on that key aspect and hiring others to sell your product.

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