DIY Public Relation Tips for Entrepreneurs

Public relations is a tricky and yet critical factor for any business. Startups can thrive or fail based on their public relations. So it’s critical for entrepreneurs to build PR plan for their business. Below are four tips for creating a solid reputation.


As a startup, you may not yet have a robust infrastructure, but you must be ready to serve, pitch or answer any requests that come up from potential clients. People ask a lot of questions. Be prepared to field any questions that are thrown at you. Even if you are unsure of the answer, don’t fumble. Uncertain behavior can discredit your authority. Make sure your products and services are top-notch to avoid backlash from unhappy clients.


The power of social media is undeniable, and it can bring you important visibility. Use Facebook, Instagram, Vine and Twitter to promote your brand. You can grow your potential client base beyond your geographical location, time zone and even language using social media effectively.


The secret to reaching more people is being visible. Remember: people have fleeting memories and unless your brand keeps appearing, they are bound to forget. The more you engage with your target audience, the more visibility you get. Whether it’s on social media or offline, make sure your brand does not go invisible. When it comes to online content, post regularly, comment and reply to others’ posts.


It’s important to build connections quickly—both online as well as offline. Do some research on the best places to reach potential clients so that you do not miss out on the right opportunities by being at the wrong place at the wrong time. This can be anything ranging from a music festival to a golf club to a mom’s group to an online fandom forum. Never miss out on a chance to build connection because you never know who might end up needing your product or service. Be nice to people, even those who have not been kind to you. As a business owner, it is especially important to be polite because a single bad reputation can spoil your public relation.


Don’t try to do everything by yourself. Trying to do more than you can reasonably accomplish will increase your chances of making a mistake. Outsource or hire an individual to do tedious jobs that occupy your time. While you need working capital to hire, it’s a great investment which will help you focus on the bigger picture—quality, policies and new products.

Making small steps toward your public relations can go a long way in building your business.

Written for EO Octane by Stephen Marshal, press release director at LMG Solutions. 

Categories: FINANCES PR/MARKETING Public Relations


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