Member Spotlight: Kelly Shatat, EO Raleigh Durham


Kelly Shatat is an EO Raleigh Durham member and CEO and founder of Moon and Lola. Learn more about EO today!

Why Kelly joined EO:

Seeking a professional group. Often feeling that entrepreneurship can be lonely at times, Kelly was seeking a group where she could interact with other entrepreneurs. The EO organization enables her to share her thoughts, feelings, and experiences with other entrepreneurs that may have walked in her shoes.

Other value EO has provided:

Learning and self-betterment. Kelly came from a corporate environment where that was often provided, but missed this as a business owner. She views her forum as her private BOD – personal and business, andhas tried to attend as many learning events as she can. Both have helped her get out of her comfort zone, take risks, and move faster toward meeting her goals.

Greatest learning:

The power of vulnerability. Kelly was skeptical of the forum placement process and not a fan of “arranged marriages”, but quickly learned the depth that those relationships can have and how when vulnerability is exposed, it can be moving.


Since she has joined EO, Kelly has opened up 3 new retail stores, restructured her leadership team, purchased her dream home, attended a global EO event in Thailand, joined the local EO board, implemented Traction in her company… just to name a few. Kelly exemplifies the female entrepreneur and what can be gained personally and professionally as an EO member.

Congratulations to Kelly on her business success and continuing to support our chapter, its members and our growth initiatives!

Learn more about the Entrepreneurs’ Organization and apply for membership today!

Categories: Company Culture FINANCES Inspirational Member Spotlight members WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS


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