The True Thrill of Entrepreneurship (and Why It’s Not What You Think)

By Michael E. Gerber, author of ‘The E-Myth Revisited’

I just received an email at 4:22 AM, offering me the opportunity to participate in a teleconference that promises to show me how to earn $100,000 in only one hour a day. (The email later says that it’s $100,000 a year by spending only an hour a day for the entire year. But still not bad, right?)

Of course, the teleconference is being delivered by a “multi-millionaire” who is “sharing his secrets” with us. So, here I am, writing to you all, at 4:32 AM doing absolutely the opposite of

what I’m certain the multi-millionaire would tell me to do: selling nothing, making nothing, simply keeping a promise I made to you, and to myself, to share the things I have learned that, for all practical purposes, have little or nothing to do with becoming a multi-millionaire, but simply becoming a gloriously effective human being.

Boy, I hope that’s enough for you.

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Categories: Coaching FINANCES Guest contributors Lessons Learned Productivity


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