Mrs. Singapore Universe 2015 Starts an Empowerment Initiative

Anne Goswami is one member of EO Singapore’s W3 Spousal Forum. She also happens to be: the reigning Mrs. Singapore Universe 2015; the Director of Affluent Trade Management Pte Ltd.; and the founder of Her ALL, a website dedicated to providing women insights and inspiring their own personal breakthroughs. Anne shared her story with EO and attributed her success to the support and guidance of those relationships she formed within W3.

“The monthly meetings helped me to realign myself by providing the space to reflect on key areas of my life – Business, Family and Self. The deep sharing and intimate insights from my forum mates helped shape my perspectives and transformed the way I perceived myself and my experiences. And the safe environment of the forum also helped me to delve deeper into issues that were below the surface. I am no longer my greatest obstacle!”

“I am launching a women’s empowerment initiative called Her ALL to help other women, just as EO has helped me.”

Anne looks to powerful female figures, such as Elizabeth Gilbert and Eve Ensler, and their messages toward other women. Her initiative strives “to help other women, just as EO has helped [her].” The site is still developing and through videos and personal thoughts from Anne, is becoming a powerful touchstone from which to inspire others through the words and actions of strong women worldwide.

Thanks to Anne for submitting her story and creating a space in which to empower others.

Categories: Entrepreneurial Journey Guest contributors Inspirational Make a Mark WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS


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