Highlighting GSEA: Lisa Xiang, Miss China

Each Wednesday in September, we spotlight innovation within GSEA. Today’s post highlights the talents and accomplishments of Lisa Xiang, Miss China and Founder of OIAM, a fashion-inspired company:

“The identity of Miss China offers me chances to meet talents from all fields. I learn a lot from their experience and their stories of starting their own business. So a vision came upon my mind: why don’t I start my own company? Can I handle the new challenge? And I didn’t just quit there. I went [to] a major event that later inspired me to continue my journey: GSEA(Global Student Entrepreneur Awards). And the project I have been working on made me another champion. This championship is different from the former. Miss China gives credit to my beautify and fashion. But GSEA tells me that I am not only capable of being beautiful, but also of becoming a successful entrepreneur. Hence, I have the strong will to pursue my dream.”

Look for EO GSEA spotlights on the Octane blog every Wednesday in September – and check out our Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, flickr and Instagram pages for additional stories, pictures, quotations and more! see innovative business tips from three GSEA competitors, click here.

Categories: Inspirational international WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS


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