Embark on EO Path of Leadership and Uncover its Amazing Advantages
Don’t miss the opportunity to become a leader of leaders and elevate your entrepreneurial journey in ways you may not yet be able to imagine.
Don’t miss the opportunity to become a leader of leaders and elevate your entrepreneurial journey in ways you may not yet be able to imagine.
Categories: Entrepreneurial Journey LEADERSHIP
Tags: entrepreneurs' organization EO Canada eo winnipeg Kate Holden myeo Path of Leadership PoL Regional Chair Regional Council The Pourium
With a thirst for learning and open minds, EO members explored another angle to help them elevate leadership capabilities, connect with others and understand themselves.
Categories: Entrepreneurial Journey LEADERSHIP WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS
Tags: Canadian Regional Leadership Summit entrepreneurs' organization EO Canada eo winnipeg Kate Holden The Pourium
Ever feel like you just never fit in . . . and then realized it’s because you’re an entrepreneur? How one womentrepreneur found her people in EO.
Categories: Entrepreneurial Journey general Inspirational WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS WORK-LIFE INTEGRATION
Tags: De Luca Fine Wines entrepreneurial journey EO Canada eo winnipeg extra-ness find your tribe Kate Holden Thirst for Learning WOMENtrepreneurs
Whether it’s to drive sales, position yourself for a pivot or be recognized as an expert, one thing is clear: A well-defined, compelling personal brand allows us to connect with others like us. That makes it easier to achieve big goals as entrepreneurs, mentors and contributing citizens of the world.
Categories: Best Practices general Make a Mark members PR/MARKETING Public Relations WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS
Tags: eo edmonton EO Montreal eo new jersey eo toronto eo winnipeg Erez Zevulunov Fran Biderman-Gross Impact Kate Holden Marina Byezhanova Michele Hecken personal brand personal branding Sejal Lakhani-Bhatt