Three Tips for Staying Grounded in a Busy World

By Heather Baker, EO Cape Town

MEDITATION. I try to meditate on a daily basis. Taking the time first thing in the morning to sit quietly and follow your breath, even if it’s just for five minutes, can make for a calm and productive day.

GRATITUDE. I made a list of everything my business has done for me to remind myself how much I have to be grateful for. For example, I can take my dog to work. I saved this list in Evernote so I can refer back to it whenever I feel overwhelmed or resentful.

PERSPECTIVE. Thinking of the worst thing that can happen puts things in perspective for me. If TopLine were to close its doors tomorrow, I’d still have my health, family education and home. These things are far more important than a business success or failure.

Heather Baker is the founder and CEO of TopLine Comms.

Categories: Best Practices Inspirational WOMEN ENTREPRENEURS


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