Six Social Media Metrics You Should Be Tracking

This month, EO is looking back at highlights, tips and lessons from 2015. We’re calling it “EO Looks Back” or #EOlooksback, and each day will feature a certain number topics corresponding with the date. For example, since today is 6 December, we’ll highlight six social media metrics you should be tracking.

As you prepare for the work week and the coming new year, take the advice of our Marketing Manager, Taylor, and make sure you’re taking the following data seriously as you scrutinize your KPIs and marketing efforts:

1. Referral traffic – This number shows how many people come to your website via social media.

2. Clicks – Each time people click on a link you’ve posted on social media, this metric will take note and show whether or not your posts generate interest.

3. Likes/Retweets/Shares – These numbers, either individually or in combination with one another, show how relevant your content is to your followers.

4. Replies/Comments (both yours and followers) – Track the conversations that are happening on your channels, and make sure you’re engaging your readers through less formal communication.

5. Impressions – These numbers are not always reliable, but they will give you a good estimation of your audience size.

6. Posts – If you track the number of posts you are putting out, you can better monitor your activity and compare this number to the above metrics (activity vs. results)

Follow us as #EOlooksback on the calendar year during these 31 days of December. We’ll post new pictures, stories, videos and memes every day on: Octane blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.

Categories: general


One Response to “ Six Social Media Metrics You Should Be Tracking ”

  1. INOC | Outsourced Operations on

    Thanks for providing this list of metrics every sites need to consider and evaluate. I think that more and more people are now considering social media and websites as a valid source, so you always have to be visible in various social media sites and optimize your sites to become viable for users. And these metrics will definitely help you know how relevant you are and how much people considers you as a reputable one.


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