In case you’re counting, EO reached a total of 153 chapters in 2015! We were thrilled to add nine new EO chapters to our global community, Here they are, in order of launch date:
145th chapter: EO Uttar Pradesh | South Asia region | Launched February 2015 | Chapter Webpage
146th chapter: EO East Africa – Dar es Salaam | Middle East/Pakistan region | Launched March 2015 | Chapter Webpage
147th chapter: EO Jordan | Middle East/Pakistan region | Launched March 2015 | Chapter Webpage
148th chapter: EO Rio De Janeiro | Latin American/Caribbean region | Launched June 2015 | Chapter Webpage
149th chapter: EO The Woodlands | US Central region | Launched June 2016 | Chapter Webpage
150th chapter: EO Tohoku | Asia Pacific region | Launched July 2015 | Chapter Webpage
151st chapter: EO Hainan | Asia Pacific region | Launched August 2015 | Chapter Webpage
152nd chapter: EO Durban | Middle East/Pakistan region | Launched August 2015 | Chapter Webpage
153rd chapter: EO Puerto Rico | Latin America/Caribbean region | Launched September 2015 | Chapter Webpage
Do you have pictures, videos or memories from these chapter launches? Respond in the comment section below, or post them on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn or Instagram with #EOlooksback and a short description!
Follow us as #EOlooksback on the calendar year during these 31 days of December. We’ll post new pictures, stories, videos and memes every day on: Octane blog, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram.