“How do you deal with fear, versus danger?” EO is thrilled that Chris Hadfield, renowned Canadian astronaut, will be one of our keynote speakers at EO Banff Global University this March. Hadfield has completed 14 hours of spacewalks over his illustrious career, some of that time without eye sight.
During his 2014 TED Talk, the astronaut gives a vivid picture of the experiences he has had preparing for his time in space. And he tackles key philosophical questions surrounding fear, bravery and realizing your dreams. Enjoy his presentation below (and his musical performance), and be inspired to face your fears in 2016.
“By looking at the difference between perceived danger and actual danger, where’s the real risk? What is the real thing you should be afraid of – not just a generic fear of bad things happening? You can fundamentally change your reaction to things so…[you can] go places and see things and do things that otherwise would be completely denied to you.”
What are the biggest obstacles you’ve faced? Comment below, and your response could be featured on EO’s social media channels!
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Categories: Best Practices Entrepreneurial Journey Goal Setting Inspirational Video