Describe EO in ONE Word

What one word would you use to describe EO? Here are a few responses that we received:

Roots. If you are a tree, then EO is your root system. The more you get involved, the stronger and deeper your roots become, allowing you the foundation to build a great life and business.” -Jason McDougall

Instrumental. EO has been very instrumental in my life. I am a single mother running a growing business, and there are times when it all gets too much, but my Forum helps me balance the best of all worlds.” -Jacqui Spice

Inspiration. I am learning to think of things in a different way. I am learning that I am not alone in how I feel. I am motivated personally and in business. I am inspired.” -Lori Karmel

Strategic. EO gives me important strategic insight into how to best manage and grow both my company and myself.” -Rob Parker

Categories: Inspirational Interview members


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