Telecommuting: Is it Right for You?

By an Overdrive contributor

You may not be ready to run your business in your pajamas and bedroom slippers, but you probably have heard about how telecommuting (working from home) can increase productivity, save money, and even lead to happier, more loyal employees. It’s a great option when weather “events” (as the local weathermen dub them) make going to the office challenging. Even the federal government has jumped on the telecommuting bandwagon when the Telework Enhancement Act of 2010 was signed into law late last year.

Telecommuting makes sense from a lot of angles, but success depends on the role, your type of business, your corporate culture, and the personality of the particular employee.

How do you know who will make the ideal virtual employee? Ask yourself these key questions

Categories: Guest contributors Productivity Technology


One Response to “ Telecommuting: Is it Right for You? ”

  1. Mar on

    I practice telework over 3 years ago and has its benefits but too often is difficult to differentiate between professional and personal part, but in the end it has more compensation.

    Greetings !!!


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