Nicaraguan Entrepreneurs Make an Impact in Latin America

By Joao Mucciolo, EO Nicaragua member and president of GRUPO MUCH

Nicaragua is a country that has overcome several obstacles. From a devastating revolution to a ground-leveling earthquake and a slow economic turnaround in the 1990’s, Nicaraguan citizens have shown their tenacity and are now focused on pursuing new growth as entrepreneurs.

Some citizens are addressing their hopes for an economic turnaround by allowing entrepreneurship to play a major role in local and regional development. Recently, 18 Nicaraguan entrepreneurs came together to contribute to the Entrepreneurs’ Organization (EO), and their enthusiasm resulted in EO Nicaragua, the fastest-created chapter in EO history.

These leading entrepreneurs were committed to showing that Nicaragua was a flourishing country offering interesting investment opportunities and a growing workforce in Nicaragua’s developing industries; i.e., agriculture, tourism and construction. As one of the hottest tourist destinations in the world, Nicaragua is experiencing an economic and population growth renaissance with citizens eager to see long-lasting development and solutions.

Committed to giving back, these new EO members are contributing to their community by helping kids with cancer and fostering social and environmental entrepreneurship, among other initiatives. What’s more, their entrepreneurial endeavors employ about 2,000 people in the poorest country in Latin America, and many of them go the extra mile by promoting and sponsoring higher education for their employees, in addition to providing scholarships and incentives for their children.

There’s no question about it— EO Nicaragua will continue to make a mark in the Nicaraguan community. For details on EO Nicaragua or EO’s chapter launch process, please contact Laura Johnson, EO’s Director of Global Membership Development.

Categories: general


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