Entrepreneurial Expansion in Chile

By Luiz Paiz, an EO Guatemala member and Managing Director at Music Global S.A.

As an elite community of entrepreneurs, EO plays an integral role in the global business landscape. As members, we know that more than anyone.

I’m sure at some point you’ve flirted with the idea of expanding your business overseas or setting up shop in an exciting new country.

Well, for the past three or four months I’ve been working on establishing an EO chapter. I have met a lot of great people and occasionally have come across cool opportunities. Recently I found one that really spoke to the heart of entrepreneurship— Start-Up Chile. This program was founded by the Chilean government to kick-start their economy into first-world status. Their ultimate goal is to convert Chile into the entrepreneurial hub of Latin America by offering enterprising people like us an opportunity to start businesses there.

I wanted to share this with my fellow EOers because I know how important it is to extend our networks, especially in benefit of business growth. At EO, our mission is to “engage leading entrepreneurs to learn and grow” and we are the leading entrepreneurs. So if you are interested in the program, they provide US$40,000 of equity-free seed capital and a one-year visa to help you get started. You can learn more about the program by watching this short video.

And if you know of any entrepreneurs, other organizations or potential contacts in Chile that can help launch an EO chapter there, post a comment on this blog. If you don’t have anything to post, you can help get the word out that EO will soon have a chapter in Santiago Chile!

I hope you draw as much inspiration from this opportunity as I did, and best of luck on your entrepreneurial journey.

Categories: general


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