Top Entrepreneurial News of the Day

  • Seth’s Blog: Check In, Chicken: Checking in with your team can be an easy out for everyone to say their “fine.” Seth Godin comes up with a different way of checking in … saying what you’re afraid of. Instead of asking how your team is doing, ask them what they’re afraid of, and maybe you’ll get a better answer.
  • Getting an Accurate Picture of Your Business: Sometimes, figuring out what your business needs is more difficult than you think. Here are six tips to do just that: 1. Make your most critical report a short, daily one. 2. Admit when you’re confused or unsure about what something means. 3. Make sure you don’t repel bad news. 4. Add human inputs to your paper and electronic reports. 5. Don’t let IT convenience drive your management needs. 6. Know your own personal numbers daily.
  • Helping Employees Beat the End-of-Summer Blues – Everyone feels the shift in attitude when fall comes around. Here are 10 tips to beat the end-of-summer blues.
  • Human Resource Management for Small Businesses – This blog post explains why personnel management is a necessity in small businesses.

Categories: general


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