Top Entrepreneurial News of the Day

  • How to Stop Being a Control Freak: Cheryl Cran, author of “The Control Freak Revolution,” gives some insight on how to stop being a control freak, and she says you cannot do it alone. Cran gets down to the ultimate issue: trust. “You have to teach yourself to trust other people.”
  • Record Five Million Sites Were Likely Infected by Hacked Web Widget – Andy Greenberg – The Firewall – Forbes: The widget, “Small Business Success Index,” was compromised over the weekend by hackers. This cyber-attack has set the record for most sites attempting to download malware onto PCs.
  • Russia’s FSB Receives Decrypted BlackBerry Messages from Mobile TeleSystems – The Firewall – The World of Security – Forbes: In order for Research In Motion (RIM) to work with Russia, they must turn over all encrypted data to the Russian government. This is due to an espionage case in 2006, which used a mobile device to power and transmit information … that mobile device was a BlackBerry. Is the Russian government overreacting, or should RIM comply?
  • 5 Secrets of Highly Effective Twitter Users: Some may think that gaining followers on Twitter is an unattainable task; however, here are five ways to use Twitter effectively. You cannot leave Twitter alone and simply think people will follow you. You have to get out into the Twitter world and follow and mention others, as well as link to interesting articles, videos or blogs online. After reading through these tips, you will better understand Twitter.
  • Seth’s Blog: How Big is Your Red Zone?: When you’re trying to figure out if something is worth doing, you typically weigh the pros and cons. Business expert Seth Godin has a way of finding out if you have enough joy, or too much hassle, in your life. Your life should always have a ratio where there’s more joy than hassle.

Categories: general


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